Eleanor, a resident at Jemalong Residential Village received a prestigious Paul Harris Fellowship (PHF) last month, presented by the Forbes Rotary Club.
The Forbes Rotary Club has been a part of the local community for over 70 years and aims to create support programs which help local, regional and international communities. There have only been 33 Paul Harris Fellowships awarded to the citizens of Forbes since 1948, when the Forbes Rotary Club was first chartered, so Eleanor joined a very exclusive club!
Eleanor was presented the award by Rotarians, Garry Pyrmont and Chris Finkel, for her extensive work and involvement with the Club. Eleanor’s involvement dates back to 2004, when she was president of the Club and was instrumental in coordinating a fundraising appeal for the Indonesian Tsunami victims. For a time in 2007, she also was a part of the morning club, Forbes Ipomoea. Eleanor returned to the Club in 2012, and was one of a very few Rotarians to be inducted by the then Rotary International President, Kalyan Banerjee from India during his visit through Parkes and Forbes.
Above: Rotarians Garry Pyrmont and Chris Finkel and Eleanor (centre)
“Eleanor has also been a very busy member of the New South Wales Small Winemakers Show committee since its inception 25 years ago, as well as assisting with the Forbes Camel Races, the Forbes Jazz Convention and the local Tourist Information Centre,” says Garry.
“She has also always been eager to help with any local fundraising and charitable events.”
The team at Jemalong Residential Village organised to present Eleanor with flowers to celebrate her award, along with a morning tea held the Opal room at the Village with other residents joining in.
“I feel very honoured that the Forbes Rotary Club nominated me for this award,” says Eleanor.
“I have thoroughly enjoyed being a member and have made many friendships over the years. I have been proud to be a true advocate for all that Forbes has to offer.”
From all of us at Catholic Healthcare, congratulations Eleanor on this great honour!
Jemalong Residential Village is a much loved and well respected Home situated in a peaceful rural landscape in Forbes. Catering for 130 residents, the Home features BBQ areas, an onsite café, chapel, hair salon and spacious dining rooms. There are many activities on offer for residents including arts and crafts programs, exercise programs, a men’s shed and other social activities and outings.
For more information on Jemalong Residential Village call 1800 225 474 or visit the Jemalong Residential Page on our website.