Get in touch

Please complete the enquiry form below and our friendly team will get back to you as soon as possible.

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Feedback and complaints

For feedback, please complete this form.

For complaints, please complete this form.


Corporate Office

Catholic Healthcare Limited
ABN 69 064 946 318

Suite 1, Level 5, 15 Talavera Road
Macquarie Park NSW 2113, AUSTRALIA



PO Box 914, Macquarie Park NSW 1670



General enquiries: 1800 225 474
Media enquiries: 1800 225 474

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All faxes can be sent to: 02 8876 2155

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Translation Services

Translating and Interpreting Service: Call 131 450 or visit

Document translations: Visit (NSW) or call 137 468 for services in QLD.

Australia-wide: Visit, to find a national directory of translators and interpreters. NAATI provides a directory of participating translators/interpreters.