When the knitting group at Jemalong Residential Village heard that Ronald McDonald House in Orange was in need of some donations, they soon came to the rescue!
Over the last few months, the knitting group, who meet twice a week, had been working on knitting beanies for the premature babies at Westmead Children’s Hospital.
“We started knitting beanies setting the target at 50. This soon escalated to 100! Fortunately, we were able to hit that target,” says Val, resident.
“Later, when we heard that Ronald McDonald House was in need of items we decided to work towards this new project.”
The group was able to make multiple items including cuddle bunnies, beanies and matching booties, rugs, mittens, jumpers, scarves, headbands, blankets, pillows and baby toys, both knitted and crocheted items.

Above: The ladies in the Knitting Group
Ronald McDonald House is an organisation that provides a welcome residence for families with children undergoing care at Orange Base Hospital. The ‘home-away-from-home’ provides families with a comfortable place to stay, knowing that they can stay together, close to Orange Base Hospital and Orange Health Service Hospital.
Ronald McDonald House was delighted with the generous donation and responded on social media in a post thanking the knitting group :
“With enormous thanks to the knitting ladies from Jemalong Residential Village in Forbes for these beauties – including baby rugs, baby toys, beanies and gorgeous jumpers. Ladies you rock!”
“The speed at which these ladies made the items is really astounding, as is the variety of items made and expertise involved,” says Brian, Quality & Education Manager.
“They are a very talented and skilled group of ladies and are still busily knitting each week - ready for the next challenge!”
Prime7 recently interviewed the knitting group, to watch the new story click on the video link -
McHappy Day - PRIME7
Jemalong Residential Village is a much loved and well respected Home situated in a peaceful rural landscape in Forbes. There are a wide range of outings and activities for residents to choose from and close proximity to shops provides convenience. Some of the activities offered include arts and crafts programs, a men’s shed and exercise classes.
For more information on Ronald McDonald House in Orange, visit: