Website Disclaimer and Liability
The material contained on this website is provided for general use and information purposes only.
The information and content on this site have been prepared with due diligence, however, Catholic Healthcare does not warrant or represent that the information is free from errors or omissions. Catholic Healthcare will not be liable for any loss suffered in relation to the use or reliance of any out-of-date information or material and error or omissions on the website. Catholic Healthcare shall not be liable for any damages resulting for the users use or reliance on the completeness, accuracy, suitability or currency of the website or its content.
The information and materials provided on this website are not intended as a substitute for independent professional advice and any visitor to this website uses any such information or materials at their own risk. Nothing on this site constitutes an offer to enter into any legal agreement or to exercise any rights in relation to the offering of any financial product, service or are to be construed as a solicitation of any business. Any information or materials on this website do not constitute a recommendation, endorsement or advice unless it is specifically stated otherwise.
Collection, Use and Disclosure of Personal Information
Catholic Healthcare only collects and holds information that is reasonably necessary for our functions and/or activities. These may include:
- Personal information – such as your name, contact details and any information that allows us to identify you. If you are a staff member or interested in working with us, it will also include your employment history. If you have financial dealings with us, it will include your financial details. Electronic databases may be stored within Australia .
- Health information – such as your health history, past, present, and future provision of health services, healthcare identifier and any information to assist us in providing ; and
- Sensitive information – if you are a resident, client or patient and if it is necessary for your care or you have consented to the collection of the information, sensitive information may include information about your religious beliefs or affiliations, racial or ethnic origin, sexual orientation or practices. If you are a staff member or interested in working with us, it will include sensitive information such as your criminal record check to satisfy our legal.
When users of Catholic Healthcare’s website visit our website, we do not try to identify you . Catholic Healthcare only collects personal information, where you chose to provide your personal information via our website and resources or where you consent to Catholic Healthcare collecting your information from third parties. Catholic Healthcare takes your privacy seriously and has implemented measures to protect personal information collected from loss, misuse and alteration. To help us keep our websites working optimally, our sites may collect statistics about visits, how many people visit our sites, IP addresses, pages people visit, the domains our visitors come from and which browsers they use. This information will not be used to identify .
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Links to Other External Third-Party Websites
Catholic Healthcare’s website may contain links to other external third-party websites that are not owned or operated by Catholic Healthcare. Catholic Healthcare is not responsible for or taken to have endorsed or recommended the information, material, views or privacy practises of those third-party websites.
Users of third party websites are responsible for making themselves aware of the terms and privacy policy of those third-party websites.
Catholic healthcare does not warrant or guarantee that material or resources on the website are free form viruses or other harmful content. Catholic Healthcare is not liable for any damage to a user’s computer or device system, software, data or any other loss that has occurred in connection with this website and users accept responsibility for ensuring measures are in place for their own protection.
Copyright and Intellectual Property
Catholic Healthcare retains any intellectual property rights over all material, information, resources, logos, graphics, animations, images, advertisements and any other content on this website and the user accepts Catholic Healthcare us the owner of this intellectual property.
All trademarks on this website are for exclusive use by their respective owners and no trademarks may be used or reproduced without prior explicit written consent of their respective owners.
Applicable Law
By using this website the user accepts that any disputes be determined by courts that have jurisdiction in New South Wales, Australia and the user acknowledges this website is governed by the laws of New South Wales and the Commonwealth of Australia.
Photos and Videos
Please note, our website may contain images and video of deceased persons in photographs, film, audio recordings or printed material.
For more information on Catholic Healthcare’s privacy policy and practices read our privacy policy which can be found here.