Bernard has worked at Maranatha Lodge for 23 years as the Home’s Maintenance Coordinator. He has a long-standing connection with the Home and the local Batehaven community.
“Initially, Maranatha Lodge was built as a low-care 35-resident Home, opening in the early 1990’s,” says Bernard. “Since then, it has grown to become a high-care 90-resident Home. I have been here to witness it grow and flourish!”
Bernard has close ties with the Home and as a practicing Catholic himself, he is involved in the church and the local community. Over his many years of tenure, Bernard has had time to really get to know the staff and residents at the Home and has formed lasting relationships.
“What I like most about working here at Maranatha is the camaraderie and interaction with the staff and residents. “I also take pride in what I do and like to keep everything up to date, ticking-along and working well.”
In his spare time, Bernard is involved with the local church parish, and also keeps busy with his family - with two daughters and three grandchildren who also live close-by. He also enjoys socialising with friends and loves getting away in his caravan!
“If someone was considering to make the move to Maranatha Lodge, I would be more than happy to refer them here. In fact, my mother was a resident here and was very-well cared for.”
To watch a video of Bernard - click here. For more information call 1800 225 474 or click here