To help residents and families stay connected, many Residential Aged Care Homes have initiated the ‘Butterfly Kisses’ project.
At Holy Spirit Casula, Lifestyle Coordinator Maria, says the butterfly kisses are brightening up the days of residents, staff and families.
“Residents and their families can choose from a variety of butterfly templates to print, colour in, decorate and create," says Maria. "The butterfly kisses are then put in the residents’ rooms, hallways and in the staff stations for display.”
The families of residents are posting their butterfly kisses into the Home or dropping them off by hand, in a box outside the Home. It has been a great way for the residents and families to keep communicating.
Skype and WhatsApp calls have also been revived for residents and families affected by the lockdown.
“Residents have been able to speak with their loved ones regularly and have enjoyed learning the technological aspects of using Skype,” says Maria.
Maria, and many other of our Homes, sends out weekly activities updates to the residents’ families and friends to update them on what their loved ones have been up to.
Holy Spirit, Casula is a brand new Residential Aged Care Home situated in Sydney’s South-West. The architecturally-designed Home has been created to nurture a sense of community and embraces a sense of indoor and outdoor living. There are a wide range of amenities and activities at the Home for residents to choose from.