The residents of St Peter’s Green Retirement Living Village in Lane Cove North are enjoying the fruits of their labour with a flourishing vegetable and herb garden.
Last August, vegetable gardens and raised beds were installed guided by two green thumb residents, Bev and Sylvia (pictured above). Karen Wacando, Residential Manager of St Peter’s Green, went along with Bev and Sylvia to a local nursery to purchase the herbs and vegetable seedlings.
Now, with plenty of warm sun and rain, the gardens are blooming with produce shared amongst all the residents. There are tomatoes, capsicum, celery, spinach, lettuce, zucchini, string beans and spring onions. For something sweet there’s rhubarb and strawberries. And a wide selection of herbs from parsley and sage to mint and basil.
“Bev and Sylvia, along with the Gardening Committee, have done a fantastic job watering and maintaining the garden beds,” says Karen. “They are more than happy for all our residents to take produce from the gardens. There’s an honesty box where we ask for a donation of a few dollars in return which goes towards fertiliser and more plants.”
“It’s such a pleasure seeing the produce grow and thrive, and everyone able to pick fresh vegetables and herbs as they need them,” says Bev. “Especially items like spinach and lettuce. It’s much better value to be able to pick just a few leaves rather than buy a big bag which you never get through.
“The tiny tomatoes did really well over the summer, also the basil, chives and mint. I am heading out to the local Bunnings today to get some more spinach, string beans and lettuce. They seem to be the favourites!
“Catholic Healthcare has also installed some new water tanks so we are looking forward to using stored rainwater to keep the garden beds looking great.”