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CHL, Volunteers
July 27, 2020
Interested in volunteering?
Right now, Catholic Healthcare is seeking volunteers to provide one-on-one phone calls, face-to-face visits or letter writing to clients in the community.
Residential Aged Care, Home Care Services, Retirement Living, Healthcare, CHL, Hoarding & Squalor
July 21, 2020
Celebrating our birthday on Foundation Day
Catholic Healthcare is delighted to celebrate 26 years of providing health and aged care services to residents, clients and patients. This year’s theme for Foundation Day is living ‘life to the full’, which lies at the heart of our Mission.
Villa Maria Fortitude Valley resident, Ruby, celebrated her 107th birthday on 4 July. Ruby had a great time with other residents and Villa Maria staff, it was a fantastic day and an amazing birthday party.
Residential Aged Care, Home Care Services, Retirement Living, CHL
July 2, 2020
Getting the Balance Right
Catholic Healthcare’s Allied Health Specialist and Occupational Therapist, Erin Stubbs, outlines some simple changes you can make at home to reduce the risk of falls.