August 30, 2021

Residential Aged Care, Home Care Services, CHL

Residential Aged Care, Home Care Services, Retirement Living, Healthcare, CHL
August 18, 2021
Ageing Well – Looking after yourself while caring for others

CHL, Volunteers
August 18, 2021
Health for the Mind, Body and Spirit
Catholic Healthcare recognises that these are challenging and uncertain times as we continue living through the COVID-19 pandemic. We know that pastoral and spiritual care is an important part of many of our lives, and can provide a sense of security and compassion in a changing world.

Home Care Services, Retirement Living, CHL
August 15, 2021
Tips for Staying Safe During Self‐Isolation
The Collaborative Against Abuse of Older People in Sutherland Shire is a group of community aged care providers who work together to protect older people who are living in their own homes. They share the following tips for older people in the community who may be receiving offers of assistance at this time.

Residential Aged Care, Home Care Services, Retirement Living, Healthcare, CHL

Residential Aged Care, Home Care Services, Retirement Living, Healthcare, CHL